For a long time, you must have heard about the strange things about your cell phone battery charging that include various things including charging time, phone usage during cell phone charging, overcharging, and many other similar things. If you have got your batteries damaged or bad then you should start avoiding the things that can make the batteries even worse and most of those things are just myth which is not at all true. These are the only rumors that your cell phones can explode anytime and due to these assumptions, most people ignore the actual things that play an essential role in making the cell phone batteries better.
Various misconceptions regarding mobile device batteries
Users prefer to take measures to enhance the longevity of the batteries and yet much of what you hear about the mobile batteries is not true and is just a misconception. Here are some of the misconceptions regarding batteries that power the devices that you think is true but not:

Cell Phone Battery Charger
Batteries have memory
It is not at all true, batteries do not have memories but most people think that you need to train your batteries to take the most charge. To do that, people drain the batteries regularly and then charge them again and mainly avoid charging cell phones when they are over 50%. The misconception was that with time, the batteries can develop the memories that further allow the charging of cell phones but it is not at all true. If your cell phone battery is at 80% then you can unplug the chargers as frequent charges do not cause any damage to the batteries.
Off-brand cell phone battery chargers can damage your batteries
Although some off-brand cell phone battery chargers are not recommended by the manufacturers and most of them take a longer time to charge the batteries. They do not harm the cell phone batteries till the chargers are working efficiently so it means you need to buy the cheap chargers to replace the factory chargers that come with your cell phones. When you want to make a replacement make sure to find the relevant cell phone chargers for your device, otherwise it can affect the life-span of the batteries.
Batteries have memory
It is not at all true, batteries do not have memories but most people think that you need to train your batteries to take the most charge. To do that, people drain the batteries regularly and then charge them again and mainly avoid charging cell phones when they are over 50%. The misconception was that with time, the batteries can develop the memories that further allow the charging of cell phones but it is not at all true. If your cell phone battery is at 80% then you can unplug the chargers as frequent charges do not cause any damage to the batteries.
Off-brand cell phone battery chargers can damage your batteries
Although some off-brand cell phone battery chargers are not recommended by the manufacturers and most of them take a longer time to charge the batteries. They do not harm the cell phone batteries till the chargers are working efficiently so it means you need to buy the cheap chargers to replace the factory chargers that come with your cell phones. When you want to make a replacement make sure to find the relevant cell phone chargers for your device, otherwise it can affect the life-span of the batteries.
Overnight charging of cell phones batteries draining fast
If you want to extend the battery life of your cell phones then you should avoid overnight charging of the cell phones instead keep them charged between 40% and 80%. These ensure the longest possible life from the batteries and provide you a better battery life as compared to charging the cell phones overnight.
You should not use cell phones when they are charging
People think that the usage of cell phones while charging can negatively impact the quality of charge that the cell phone batteries receive, but it is not right. However, unless you are using chargers that are of low-quality, the misconception is not at all true as your battery charges as whether or not you use your cell phone devices. With smartphones, various chances are there regarding syncing of data and it mainly happens when the cell phones are switched off. So, even if you are not using cell phones, your phone is already handling the other tasks and performing various functions and the data is being synced so you can use your cell phones while they are charging.
Turning off your cell phones can damage your battery
If you leave your cell phones off for some time, the batteries drain faster but it is perfectly fine when you keep your devices off once in a while mainly while charging your cell phones. It does not affect the life of the batteries but if you want to restore the functioning of the batteries then you can reboot the devices as if your android devices are running perfectly, you need to give them some break for their efficient working.
Charge your cell phone batteries up to 100% before using them
Most people think that they should charge their cell phones up to 100% before using them further but it is not at all true as if you want to get the best results from your cell phone batteries then the best thing that you can do is to keep them between 40% to 80%. When your cell phone gets hotter when the battery is below 40% then it is not due to the charging problems, it can be due to your old cell phone batteries.
Putting your battery in the freezer extends the life of the batteries
Most people in the earlier times place their cell phone batteries in the freezer for a short period to enhance the lifespan of the batteries and to get the maximum out of the cell phone batteries. However, the Li-Ion batteries get negatively affected by heat and cold do you should keep them at room temperature for the better life of your cell phone batteries. Also, make sure to avoid storing the device in a sealed area as it affects both the cell phone as well as the batteries.

Cell phone battery draining fast
The internet use runs down the batteries faster than anything else
The thing that can make your cell phone batteries drain faster in gaming as these make the cell phone batteries draining fast. If you play a lot of games on your devices then you can set your screen to dim as much as you can do while playing and it is better to play the games while charging your cell phones.
Turn off the Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and GPS to prolong your battery life
These things only make your cell phone batteries to drain faster when they are in use so if you are keeping the Bluetooth on when you are not using the Bluetooth device can drain your battery even more than the Wi-Fi when you are not accessing the network. They can take the energy from your battery but they will not drain it over a day and if you are concerned about the battery life then you can dim the screen to enhance the longevity of the cell phone battery.
Task manager prolongs the battery life
The task manager does not impact the life of the batteries that have the built-in system but those can differentiate the tasks between the white list and blacklist. If you want to employ the task manager to control your apps in a better way, then do not consider that the third-party manager can extend the life of the batteries better than the default tools.
Everything you need to know about cell phone charging
Is a low-quality charger safe for the cell phones?
Usually, people prefer to use the low-quality and cheap charger to save money due to the myth that all the chargers serve the same purpose but they are not aware that the purpose can be identical but not the quality. If you will use the cheap and non-certified chargers then these can bring harmful effects to your battery when you plug them in and it is recommended to avoid putting the life of the batteries on risk by choosing the low-cost chargers rather than the high-quality and certified ones.
Is it safe to plug in their phones whenever you get the chance?
If you want your cell phone batteries to be charged effectively then you should charge your cell phones occasionally if they die more frequently. When your cell phone batteries become 10% or 15% then you should plug in your cell phone devices to the chargers that are recommended by the manufacturers. If you want to charge your cell phones only for a single time in a day then you should not believe any other myth that is irrelevant for your cell phones.
Can charging the cell phones before they die exploit the batteries?
People use the batteries until the cell phone battery is working and put them on charge when the batteries die completely and they do so because they believe the assumption that it can bring the harmful effects on the battery if they charge them before the cell phone batteries die. However, the truth is that there is not anything to do with the battery life and you can charge the cell phones only when it is needed so you should prevent your cell phone from getting powered off due to low batteries, instead put them on charge when they are below 40%.
Should you delete your apps to save battery life?
People have various applications on their cell phones that are not related to the battery life of the phones and it is a false assumption that the apps suck the battery life more rapidly even when you are not using them. The social media app or apps that provide regular updates lower the life of your cell phone batteries as they provide the regular notifications and latest messages.
Is it true to restore some of your battery by restarting your cell phone?
Mainly, when the people are out of their homes and their cell phones are about to die, they restart their cell phones many times to enhance the life of the batteries but it is not at all true as nothing can restore the life of your cell phone batteries better than a charger. However, as a result, you will lose the remaining battery, restricting turning on cell phones without plugging it for charging.
Is it reliable to use cell phones while charging?
People avoid touching their cell phones when it is on charging due to the misconception that it can spark or lead to harmful consequences. However, if you are using the quality cell phone battery and a regular charger then there will not be any problem and it will not impact the battery life of your cell phones.
Is it insecure to keep the cell phones charging overnight?
It is the most common myth that is also considered as the most dangerous habit of charging as mainly the people avoid charging their cell phones during the night as their cell phones can get damaged and weak. However, the truth is if your cell phone remains on the charger for the whole night and the battery goes down, it will start to start automatically and when you unplug the cell phones in the morning, you will see that nothing has happened with your batteries.
Is it crucial to charge the cell phones up to 100% before using them?
When people buy their new cell phones, they prefer to charge their cell phones frequently after unpacking the box and keep the cell phones plugged in until they get fully charged to 100%. It is not necessary as charging your cell phones does not enhance the life of the batteries but the manufacturers provide these recommendations to leave a positive impression which has nothing to do with battery life in the future.
Should you eject your cell phones before taking them out of the computer?
People connect their cell phones with the computers through the data cable for the purpose of transferring the files and after they are done with the transformation, they remove the devices directly from the computer which is not at all safe. The process of ejection should be done before you take your cell phones out, most of you must be thinking that it is useless to go with the eject option but it is safest for the files of your cell phones.
Does it harm the chargers when you leave them plugged in?
It is mandatory to remove the chargers after using them as the fire can arise from the power surge but it happens especially in cities and very rarely. So the precautionary measures are mainly useless but the following are some of the cases when you need to unplug the chargers.
- When your house does not have lightning protection, there is a possibility of frequent power surges and the more chances of light fluctuations are there.
- When there is a water leakage.
- When your charger heats up frequently and in most cases, it makes noises when it is connected to the devices so in such cases you should replace the chargers.
So, it is up to you to decide whether you want to leave the chargers plugged in or not as it will not break down so there is nothing about which you should worry.
Cell phone charging solutions
Flex – These mobile phone charging kiosks are easier to set up and takes only a few minutes to assemble and strike that supports a resolution up to 1600 x 900 pixels. These charging kiosks are lightweight and free-standing that can charge various mobile phone devices at a time and are available with 12 charging tips.
PowerMethod – These charging stations are the most reliable solutions for the better trade show and event engagement as when the attendees charge their cell phones; you get an opportunity to grab their attention towards your event. Due to their lightweight and free-standing features, these take only a few minutes to assemble and strike and are the most reliable solution for charging multiple devices at a time.

Mobile Phone Charging Kiosks
InBox – If you want your events to be less hectic than the best way to keep them simple is to plug the InBox in the power outlet and you are all ready to charge your cell phones. Events are expensive and these mobile phone charging kiosks can charge up to 8 devices simultaneously from Apple to Android and everything in between. These charging stations are the most effective solutions for the expensive events and have the sleek design that provides a charging desktop for your attendees. These mobile phone charging kiosks charge various devices from Apple to Android and do not let any charging station left uncharged.
PowerBox – These charging stations make the events move fast and are battery-powered charging stations that let you charge your cell phone devices whenever you need it. These charging stations are the most preferable choices for the multi-day events and can be placed on any of the tabletop or surface that can turn any display or location into the branded charging stations.
Glass Power Table – The tables are needed for every event organizer and the charging stations in these tables are needed by every attendee at the event, so these are the most preferable choice that you can choose. The most preferable choice for these charging stations is that these are available with 12 charging ports that can charge various devices at the same time.