It is disheartening to see that marine life is in danger because of human innovations and extravagance. We should understand that unbelievable trash is compiled on the local waterways with the impact of these several seawater animals lost their life.

Many communities come together to clean the local wildlife home they share together, which is quite rewarding, but it doesn’t take a significant event to make a difference. So many ways are there to protect the sea world. Below discussed some friendly cleaning habits:
1. Collect The Trash and Recycle, Reduce Plastic.
The primary reason sea animal lost their life is pollution and plastic. For example, turtles eat plastic bags for jellyfish, animals get stuck in plastic wrapping, birds muddle in the fishing line, and this all happens because of our human carelessness. These are the things that can easily be avoided by disposing of the trash correctly, reducing and reusing the plastic. Visiting the beach and picking up dumpsters or disposing of at the same moment is perfect. It’s the ideal feeling working with your relatives, friends while visiting the beach by organizing their own clean-up crew.
2. Save Water
Saving the environment will extend the health and money. By following the simple steps; don’t run the water while completing tasks like changing the showerhead, brushing teeth, and watering the plant. This will not only save the water but your money as well.
3. Use The Eco-Friendly Products
Whenever you visit the beach for the cleaning purpose, use environment-friendly products like UVC solutions or UVC sanitizer. This will help to recover marine life.
4. Reduce Energy Consumption
If you want to protect marine life, it’s always useful to leave the car at home. The few things you can do is switch to fluorescent light bulbs, avoid lift and take stairs.
5. Avoid Using The Plastic
Plastic is so dangerous, and it’s killing the sea animals, destroying habitat, and kill near about ten thousands of marine animals in a year. Make sure you carry a reusable water bottle, nondisposable food containers, buy a reusable bag or cloth tote because they recycle and have UVC sanitizer in your bag.
6. Be Alert On Beach
Always clean-up yourself, when you are relaxing, diving, or surfing to the beach. Enjoy in the sea and beach without obstructing with wildlife or replacing the coral or rocks. Encourage others also to respect the sea wildlife environment or enrolling yourself in local beach clean-ups.
7. Avoid Buying Items That Destroy The Marine Life
There are several products in the market which harm the wildlife and fragile coral reefs. Do not purchase items like; tortoiseshell hair accessories, shark protect, and coral jewelry.
8. Choose Viable Seafood.
The population of fish is declined due to excessive demand, unsustainable fishing practices, and habitat whenever you are dining or shopping out, reduce your order for overused genus by selecting seafood that is healthful and imperishable.
What Are The Suitable Ways To Clean The Aquarium?
It’s imperative to clean the fish tank to ensure your fish stay healthy. Cleaning of an aquarium requires regular preservation because the aquarium water becomes harmful to your wish if not cleaned properly. Don’t empty the tank at ones, because it will kill the beneficial bacteria. If you are new to this process and assume that cleaning a small bowl or tank was easy, this is an incorrect assumption because the larger the aquarium is, the easier it would be to stabilize the water.

Use environmentally friendly products while cleaning for example; UVC solutions are absolutely perfect for regular cleaning or the standard cleaning; you can use the UVC sanitizer. Always keep the following thing in mind before cleaning the aquarium.
- Why is the cleaning of the aquarium required?
- Why is regular cleaning necessary?
- How many time tank need cleaning?
- Fish tank parameters
- How to clean the fish tank?
Ways To Clean The Fish Tank
1. Doing Preparation
Preparation means collecting all supplies that need to clean the fish tank.
a) A Vacuum cleaner
b) A Magnetic Cleaner
c) A bucket of aquarium cleaning products the household chemicals products don’t get into your tank.
d) A latest filter media
e) A clean cloth/towel
f) Water as per the amount of replacement and type of water (freshwater tank or saltwater tank).
h) Water testing appliance
i) If saltwater aquarium then heater and powerhead.
Many aquariums are heavy, so to take the water out of the tank, use a siphon vacuum and a bucket to make the water replacement to the tank. Without stir up, the debris at the bottom of the tank removes the large decorations or ornaments carefully. Clean the artificial decoration as if you have an artificial plant. Do not remove the live plant; otherwise, it will disturb the root growth.
2. Remove Water from The Tank
Every 2-3 weeks, you need to remove the water by 10-20%. To absorb the water, take the siphon gravel vacuum. To slow down the siphoning process, use your thumb and be attentive that none of the gravel makes it into the tube. The siphons come in two types; some come with longer hoses and others with the built-in regulator to control the flow of water. This process removes the water and cleans the gravel along with removing plenty of water attached to the corners.
3. Detach Algae
Always use the magnetic cleaner for aquarium cleaning. The cleaner consists of two magnets; you can attach the magnet on the inside of the aquarium and outside of the aquarium. If your aquarium is of acrylic, then make sure you do not put any scratches while cleaning the surface.
To clean the decoration, make use of a bristled toothbrush and use a bucket of siphoned water. Never use harsh cleaning products or soap; it can lead to the death of fishes
4. Clean The Filter
It depends on the filter’s quality that you need to change the filter or clean the filter. A standard filter is a sponge filter to clean this filter remove and rinse the filter into the bucket of the water that you have removed from the tank. Do not put the filter under the running tap water; otherwise, it will kill the beneficial bacteria necessary for the tank. Other filters like ceramic rings, filter fabric, etc. should be rinsed and returned quickly to avoid the loss of beneficial bacteria.
If your filter has ammonia, ion-exchange, or carbon, you have to change it every week because, after a week, it will no longer absorb the materials.
5. Remove the water
After the cleaning, you need to fill the tank but depend on whether you add the freshwater or saltwater.
If you want to add fresh water, leave the water out 24 hours in advance so that chlorine in the water will vaporize
If you want to add the saltwater, then observe the three parameters-pH, salinity, and temperature.

Cleaning the fish tank should not be an arduous task to keep your fishes healthy and fresh, clean, and maintain the aquarium regularly. If you change the water partially, then it will keep your fish healthy and happy. It also ensures that the beneficial bacteria are not removed or damaged from the aquarium. Cleaning the aquarium and sea world is not a challenging task; just follow the steps.