Festival Charging Station at Sasquatch and Mysteryland

Mobile phones play a very crucial role in our day to day lives, as phones serve as a vital business tool that allows us to do the business through conversation along with mobile phones; mobile accessories are also provided within the package. 

Everybody is using smartphones in today’s scenario and if you encourage the attendees to use them, they surely need a place to charge and it will also create a trustworthy relationship between audience and brand. May the event will be simple, a trade show, wedding or informal party the festival charging station is becoming quite popular and must.

Phone Charging stations rental at events

Phone Charging stations rental at events

To power up your event, the charging station is as follows:

Charging Lockers

Pillar lockers are the best and safest mode to charge the device when attendees attend exhibitions or conferences. The shape of the pillar is upward and slim as it doesn’t take space. The pillar locker also has a screen at the top, in this 12 lockers can be added with individual keypads and codes on each locker that makes secure against theft.


Seated chargers corporate charger proves they don’t give up on music festival phone charging stations. To capture the whole events/shows/ meeting the table chargers are made, where attendees need to charge up their phones.

8 chamber locker

When attendees don’t have time to monitor their phone then smart lockers are the best choice. It is easy to learn as no software is used for pincode. No apps, No keys. To avoid any mishappening or theft our lockers have aluminum chamber.

Power Box

Turning charging into secondary purpose and promote networking first. The cocktail table serves multi -function as it has printed signage at the top of the table with attractive design. Here attendees can stand, chat and plug out their device if they want to change the table.

Power Method

Sometimes it’s good to use your home made equipment and made a charging device. To charge few devices the light is taken from junction box, switch and bulb can be wired that are enough to charge the some of the devices.

Power method plus

This is an alternative of information platform; in this attendees can put their phone on charging and come back later as the phone is looked at by the brands. You can interact with the staff members or either you can attend the workshops.

One of the standout features of Wplay is their sports betting platform. They offer a comprehensive sportsbook that covers a wide range of sports and events, with competitive odds, and live betting options. They also offer a virtual sports section where players can bet on virtual versions of popular sports like football and horse racing.

Some of the phone charging stations rental at events which is not pretty much popular is as follows.

Reception Desk

In the corporate sector there is no phone use policy in the meeting room, So companies provide incentives to the employees by providing the mobile charging station. The employees put 100 % focus on meeting while not having a mobile phone in their hand and ones they finished up with the meeting the phones are charged and ready to go.

Cell Phone Charging Stations

Best Phone Charging Kiosk

It mainly benefits entrepreneur, who can just hang up their phone and remove it ones they go. Not only is this it a perfect source of branding.


The design doesn’t take up much space, but still highlighted by the glass with the Perspex at the top making it easy to find out.  This port has two charging points to suit any device and flexible enough to adjust more to increase the attendees.

Activation Pillars

These activation pillars are simple and effective and used in the trade show, events to draw attendees’ traffic to highlight the charging port. This Activation port is easy to place and covers a small shelf to place a device. These are designed for small events.

Lounge Chargers

In lounge chargers, attendees can charge there device and network at the same time. The charging lounge offers a place for attendees to be comfortable and make an eye on their device while charging.

Solar Powered

The solar-powered charging station can also be known as Eco or green events come up with new technology and perfect for outdoor technology. As these are temporary charging and will suit the seasonal and sunnier climate, apart from that it particularly suits a summer festival to enhance your event extra.

Lock Boxes

These lockboxes are excellent for charging multiple devices to keep it safe for attendees. To maintain safety and security the lockboxes that simply have lead cables through the bottom of the traditional keys involve ordinary lockboxes.

Theme Stump

Incorporating the charging points into furniture or themed décor is an interesting idea, Disney started adding charging stumps in the parks, as parents take their kids to Zoo or park these charging points keep them busy as they can entertain themselves or do work.


The charging station is not complicated; these can be recreated by you and perfect for arranging in wedding functions or informal parties. It is easy to manufacture the charging port as you just have to consist of extension adapters and wire the outlets with effective signage.

Information Station

The perfect way to increase the attendees is to give them something to do, which keeps them busy while their phone is charging. Because nobody left their phone without a lock. So, providing them brochures, magazines keep attendees busy and promotion of the product as well. 

Digital Screens

This table accommodates more attendees in a smaller space and runs the content on the digital screen for the marketing purpose. Many people choose the read from digital media and avoid read publications, love to have a screen of relay music and product videos.

Festival Charging

In music festivals, these table chargers were a big hit due to adaptability that all cater devices are secure. This table has a number of charging points where multiple attendees can charge their devices. The shelves stand out to be neat and tidy so that tables are used to interact with attendees and don’t look unorganized.

What happen if charging stations gets crowded?

This can be an issue if attendees will wait for their chance on the music festival phone charging stations to plug in their phones. To avoid this worst situation you must have several charging stations available. As per the recommendation, there should be 1 charging port for 300 people. That will depend upon the demographic area as per that it clear out you want more or less.  

Despite that effort, your station is still crowded then we suggest you carry a power bank or charger alongside your other marketing material. Everyone can carry extra chargers may that be used or not at the exact moment.

 The people know that they will have a power backup as soon as they get out of the outlet. Which would be a stress reliever for them and they can talk about their business relax fully.


Benefits of hosting charging stations

  • When your charging station is branded with the company name and logo, it increases brand awareness.
  • If you put charging stations, and attendees will charge their devices they will see your brand in a positive way and this act will increase your brand perception.
  • The customers using charging stations will have their improvement up to 35% according to research that increases the foot traffic.
  • As people spend more time on your booth or table while waiting for their phone to charge on average, strike a conversation with which brand engagement increase.

In the formal functions and informal parties, there is only one option to leave the event fast is “ My phone is dying”, having a charging station nearby helps you to retain the folk, where you can get more leads and more enjoyable time for everyone

What style station is better for you?

While choosing the product, you must be clear with the product type whether users want to stay with their devices to charge it or left the device for some time. Each station has its pros and cons as per the hosting of the charging station. Perhaps if you are looking for more attendees engaged with your product then the foremost thing is to improve the quality of a product.

Music Festival Phone Charging Station


Festival Phone Charging Station

The best option is to make the attendees around the festival  charging station, as it provides a great opportunity to showcase what you’re offering. You must need the attendees around if you are using the following charging stations.

  • Tables are required, while you professionally sit and have a discussion with attendees, meantime they plugin.
  • There should be one reception desk, where attendees can chat while plugging in their devices.
  • The best way to earn through Phone Charging Station is to display Kiosks while charging the attendees can have a look at films, live demo, and slideshows.
  • Place couches and reclining, where your client feels comfortable and give some time to their devices.
  • Put some reading stuff like magazines and pamphlets on the table while guest sitting near the ports.
  • The charge “lounge” separate from the booth, where guests can insert their phones while watching, networking or reading.

On the other hand, if you give options to the attendees to drop off their phones and get back to their events then it’s perfect. Allowing attendees to lock up their phones and get back to the events is a win-win for all. As the recipients get their phone charged and you can make an interest in the event/show.

In this procedure there are few options to follow:

  • There should be a charging lockers or cabinets where guest can keep their phones in a secured cubby as long as they needed.
  • Insert touch screen kiosks, where attendees can leave their devices and return to pick them up when ready.

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